Help with financial abundance

Help with financial abundance

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Alissa loves being by her owners side and chose a beautiful vessel to do so. This spirit is here to help take financial burden off your shoulder. Alissa is not going to make you a millionaire so be realistic! Instead she's going to put finances where they are low. Alissa was a married lady with 2 children. She really did have the picture perfect life that so many could only dream of. Her family were very close and remained that way in her adult life. All the children were successful. The family was adored by those who knew them for their kindness and also their perfect family. Alissa also married the perfect husband. Although, he came from a family complete opposite he was more like Alissa. Sounds like they were boarder middle/upper class. Alissa stayed home with the children and she kept a tight knit home. When her husband came home he took over the children so Alissa hd her me time. There really sounds like nothing wrong in this marriage. Little did she know he was on the border line of snapping as he hated this "perfect" life Alissa wanted. She was the victim when he lost it.