Helps with financial abundance

Helps with financial abundance

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Dolly is a teeny tiny vessel that helps you bring in good fortune. Dolly is 31 years old and tells me her birthday is July 4. She always threw herself a well deserved party. Dolly came from wealth and never seemed to leave it. She married her fathers business partner who was 20 years her senior. He never wanted
Children as he had 6. Dolly had unlimited money but no love at home. Her husband used her as a trophy wife and she was not to complain. He always told her that many women would die to be in her place. She was lonely emotionally and had a shopping addiction to help fill the void. She tells me her shopping habit took up almost the size of a small 2 bedroom home. Over time she became bored, she wanted out but feared. Dolly does not know how she died or even when she died.