Helps you avoid problems

Helps you avoid problems

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Maria is a spirit I've used on many occasions. This spirit here shows you your obstacles before they become your problems. This is going to help you avoid a lot of things trust me! Maria was a lady who married a man here to become a citizen. Her family back in Mexico had very bad ties that she knew she had to escape. Her husband was amazing to her n the beginning. They went in to have 3 children whom she was expected to raise. Marie learned really quick that all her husband truly cared about was his offspring she gave him. He expected nothing but perfect from the children and it was her job to do so. As they became older it didn't go as he liked and things became worse behind closed doors. She would endure abuse both physically and mentally until her "tasks" was completed. Her children were sheltered from this and didn't see why mom had changed dramatically over time. Instead of trying to escape or let the children down Marie found more peace with leaving here;