Isaias is a cool vessel and a good spirit to ward off any negative energies which can be of spirits or humans. He likes to be out in the open watching. Isaias was from a little town where his father moved the family for a job. Growing up the family was always the outcast because they were African American. He doesn’t tell me his exact era but it had to be when racism was huge. When he went to school the children would wait for him after to pick fights with him. He grew up with this brutality his whole life. As a young adult his father fell ill and he was left to take care of him so stayed in this awful town. He tells me they were always picking up the pieces of being the black family. Their house was often vandalized and the cops did nothing. Isaias was turned down job after job. He didn’t know how to help
Support the family as they were on the verge of losing everything. He does not like to go into detail but he did find a way to make money. He traveled 45 miles to the big city where he worked the streets. Not realizing the danger he put himself in he did this for years. The money was good and nobody knew him in the city. Until one day a drug deal went bad and his life was ended way too early.