Jandy~beautiful yet powerful influencer

Jandy~beautiful yet powerful influencer

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Jandy is only about 5 inches. Now I believe she is a witch as things you think and want secretly in your head manifest but she claims no, so in the meantime I label her as a good influencer or a manipulator  Jandy a vessel is total opposite of how she looks. She has one heck of a mouth and just rough edged as she was in her human life. Jandy was 34 years old and for her age didn’t have much. She didn’t have any friends because the trust wasn’t there. Women would often end up turning in her and men using her. She loved to work on cars and was a mechanic but was constantly in and out of jobs. She enjoyed her late night partying and was that one who they would have to kick out of the bar. She tells me the count isn’t even possible in how many that fights she been in with men and women. Jandy experienced with men and women and wasn’t set on one or the other. Some people just didn’t like how direct she was and thought her manners were null. Jandy lived alone and didn’t care at all, as a matter of fact she says it saved her a headache. Jandy did have many enemies and it sounds like she was attacked by one of them. When I ask her why this vessel as it doesn’t fit her. She always wanted to be that pretty girl that got everything and people looked at her so positive.