Julia is from California. Here Julia was a psychic/empath/medium. She would gain her business by word of mouth because her shop was in her home. She has told me she’s told many people close to her about some major events that would happens. One being 9/11, another being the sandy book shooting and the Vegas shooting but people would laugh her off. She even told one of her customers she’d be a Victim if the Vegas shooting and warned her to not go. Julia also was a medium but only did mediumship for people that the deceased stepped forward. She would not try and reach out to specific ones she felt this can open many doors she didn’t want opened. I really like Julia because she’s an empath. She gets in tune with our feelings and really helps to change our moods, she doesn’t like when things are going bad for us and we are upset. Julie does not disclose how she passed but I do know she was 43. She is the same here. She is still that psychic empath but same thing with her mediumship. She will only tell you ones that come through to her.