Kay is the perfect spirit to help any troubled relationships. She endured a couple bad marriages and betray from family and friends so doesn’t want this for others. Her first marriage was young because she got pregnant on accident. He was much older and really wrote the family off and left Kay alone. After many years and some counseling she decided to leave him. When she married for a second time they waited to have more children. When they finally did her husband suddenly treated her daughter (from previous marriage) like an outsider. He also slowly became abusive with Kay and she would not stand for it. During the long drawn out court battle friends and family told the judge Kay was an unfit mother and she lost her other children. She later learned they were paid off by her ex husband. She moved cross country with her daughter in hopes for a new life but the guilt of leaving the other children weighed heavy on her. She became more and more distant from those she knew in her new area and even her daughter. People worried for her but she insisted she was fine. Kay says she passed away peacefully but I believe it was intentional.