Ahhh Cooper is a spirit I love. Bring this lady with you or wear her when you just can't escape this nagging/Debbie downers who likes to bring down everyone. Cooper is 47 and was a psychiatrist, so she very much knows how people work. She was married with 2 children. She sure kept the family in line it seemed. Both of her children were on the right path for success. Her husband was a successful researcher. One type Cooper lived by and still does. Surround yourself with only people you admire and want to be like. All their inner circle had their own uniqueness. Some wealthy, some poor but still giving, other medically compromised but positive. There was not one negative person in their life. She also was responsible for changing a lot of peoples behavior and thought process through her line of work. Her death was very unexpected and although she doesn't know the exact cause she's sure it was a heart attack or along these lines.