Yes, I can reserve for up to TWO WEEKS with a NON REFUNDABLE $20 deposit towards the item price. Please email me with the link of who you are interested in. After TWO weeks I will take the spirit off reserve and you would NOT GET THE DEPOSIT MONEY BACK, NO EXCEPTION. So please be serious and do not ask me to reserve if you are not willing to pay the $20 deposit. By buying this item, you agree I will also NOT be responsible for any DELAYED /DAMAGES /lost/stolen packages once item is in carries hand. It will be YOUR responsibility to file a claim with carrier.
FREE shipping within the US. For international buyers please email me before buying, as shipping cost will vary.
This lady gives me the name Kimmy. She was from South Carolina. She was married with 2 children. Her husband did not treat her well at all. He was mentally abusive and had broken her down to nothing. She tells me he became this way as her modeling career started to take off. He did not like all the attention she received, almost jealous amd control it seems. She was given an ultimatum to quit her career or he’d leave with the kids. When she quit this is when things became worse. He controlled her every move and she had no freedom. She slowly had to cut off communication with any family and friends. She wasn’t able to leave the house and by this point she had let herself go. She gained so much weight and her whole demeanor changed. When I talk to her it seems like she was scared of him when I questioned why she stayed. Sadly he ultimately took her life as he was tired of looking at her fat a#s (her words). She is another spirit who has an energy that is just so peaceful and helps us during anxious times. She loves to touch our hair. She’s shown a few full body apparitions. I’ve heard her walking always in my hallway by the children’s rooms. I’ve also had her put my night light on the lowest setting. She will speak with all different tools.