Leah is a spirit to wear or carry as she grounds you so helps healing emotionally and physically. Leah is only 30 years old. At the time of her death she was not married nor did she have children. She walked around with a deep secret that scared her for life. Her father had done really bad things to her and her mother made her shit up about it. Even though she cut ties with them as an adult she struggled to move forward. She worked with a therapist for years and it just didn’t take away the guilt and pain she had. Leah stuck to herself and enjoyed going places alone. She did have a sense of being paranoid when she was out but this did not dominate her life. When she went to dinner or shows alone people would stare at her. She loved children but was afraid her childhood would carry over. Leah never traveled far because she had everything by her. When times became really emotionally tough Leah would disappear and go Oceanside for awhile to clear her thoughts and reset. One of these times she went into the water for meditation when she was taken by a giant wave.