Liber is a good spirit to have with you for some energy. She makes you feel amazing! Liber is 31 years of age and she acts like a huge hippy. She is one who remains neural in everything you ask her. She will always give you a perspective that seems so far fetched until you really think about it. Liber never married but was with the same man since 18. She tells me marriage is just a piece of paper. They were inseparable. One thing with Liber is she was in the entertainment business and always meeting new people. From the outside you would think this women was a movie star, but on the inside she didn’t have one single friend. Her fiancée or boyfriend and her trusted NOBODY, not even family. She had some times where family begged her for help and she refused. Of course she felt bad but reminds me. Nobody cares more about you then you! She will constantly remind you of this. Liber says she wishes in her human life she traveled because she missed so much but she was indeed terrified so never experienced a plane or anything over the ocean. Liber spent most of her time working or enjoying outdoors with her fiancée. Liber does not speak of her death and says it’s fine.