This vessel here you can carry along. She is a very good spirit to give you insight about people you meet or even people you know. She sees everything going on so has your back when it comes to other people. Her name is Lizzie and there was a lot of betray in her life and this is why she is now she is. Her father left the family when she was only 8. It had a detrimental effect in them. Her mother couldn’t afford to raise all the children so they were spilt up between family members. She was passed off to her aunt. She says hers aunt was a very bitter person. She hated everyone and tried to raise Lizzie to be the same but she stood true to herself. Lizzie married young as it was the first boy she dated just so she could leave her aunts home. Being they were young and dumb it’s no surprise he got another young lady pregnant and left Lizzie. By 26 years of age she really didn’t trust anyone and tried to find herself as she never k ew her. She relocated and struggled adapting to the new environment. Friends weren’t so easy to make. Lizzie became friends with a young lady that others in town told her not to, she ignored them. It seems this lady had a very negative way of thinking. She got Lizzie to become her roommate and ultimately took her life but Lizzie doesn’t recall how.