Mae never reveals her age to me because she likes to believe she is still alive. She was photographer and asked me to get her a camera to hold (in her hand which I went through great lengths to find that)! She was in a 9 year relationship that failed and it really left Mae reevaluating her whole life. She felt as all those years were wasted and she missed out on something bigger. She had dreamed of moving to France but that dream never came true. When her mother fell ill she was left to take care of her. She tried her hardest to juggle work and caring for her mother but it became overwhelming and depressing. Her life was quickly going by and she hadn’t fulfilled any of her desires. When Mae’s mother passed she was getting ready to finally leave when her house had caught fire while she was asleep. Mae likes to believe she is part of the family. If she doesn’t like a tv show you’re watching, she will change it, along with the radio. If she feels like walking around she will regardless of the time. If she feels like turning on the water or flushing a toilet she will. My animals seem to be very drawn to Mae.