I love that Marianne helps you communicate with the other side and makes sure negative energies stay out while doing so. Marianne always labeled herself a medium/empath. Her emotions and behavior was effected one way or another by people. This is one of the reasons her circle of friends remained very small. A lot of people she met through her life had bad intentions she tells me ( she’s never went into great detail about this). Marianne didn’t have a ton of experience when it came to spirits but a handful of times specific spirits came through to her with very important messages (it was then she realized her gift). One of the messages was regarding her husband who was terminally ill yet nobody knew. This was a very tough time for her as nothing could be done for him. She asked for the spirits around her strength to get her though it. When he passed she always felt his presence but never could have a line of communication not see him. Marianne liked to keep things simple. She did not enjoy spending money, traveling, shopping, shows, etc. Her perfect day was a cup of tea with a friend, and spending her time with her animals. She stresses to me often that people have negative energies that we do not see and we need it to stay away. It seems she passed away from natural causes.