Melissa who likes to be called Missy is a spirit for someone who has been traumatized and needs emotional support. I can tell she is younger based off her minimal experience in life, but don’t know the exact age. After high school she went on to college where she fell in love with her professor. They had to be very careful and hide things otherwise he’d loose his job and possibly face more consequences. Missy decided to drop out of school and live with him. The problem with this became he took total control of her life. She says it started out slowly with him not allowing her to communicate with family or friends. Then it became where he said what she could or couldn’t wear including makeup. After a short while things turned physical. She was beat almost daily for anything she did wrong. He would strap her up to the bed and leave her like this. She wouldn’t get food for days and showers were non existent. She was expected to make his dinner to perfection or she would pt the price. Over time he broke several bones and got her no medical treatment. She believes her cause of death was from internal damage but had no idea to this day. She does know now she’s at peace.