Malia only measures about 4 inches so bring her with! She is awesome at working miracles in which things seem
Impossible! She’s young and won’t rest until she completes her tasks. Malia was from Mexico where she lived with her mother. At 16 she went to work so her mother had financial help. She hated working in the hot sweaty kitchen but it made her some money. Her father had 17 other children and she never met any of them. When her mother fell ill when she was 21 Malia had to put her life dreams of school on hold. Her mother sadly lost everything and Malia was left with all the stress of caring for her. Malia married a man shortly after and he was their life saver. Financially they became stable and finally she enjoyed some freedom having hired help for her mother. Her mother died within a year of marrying this man and she didn’t understand how as her prognosis was looking up. She would later learn after her own death her husband was not who he claimed to be. He purposely took her mother’s life for the insurance money and Malias life for what she was left. She says her cause of death was poison.