This beautiful spirit belonged to a dear friend of mine who works closely with spirits who are psychics, mediums and can see our past lives. This spirit she passed along to me hoping she could assist me in many ways. However, I do NOT work With past lives. I also have my own personal Psychics who I rely heavily on. This lady here was from the mid 1800’s and she gives me the name Mollie. Mollie says she was always different as a child and only her parents knew this. She would always see dead people and speak to them like they were her human friends. These dead people would show her the future of people who surrounded her. They wanted Mollie to help but she never did until she became older. As a young adult she entered an era that spiritualism was accepted and about 20,000 people practiced it and many turned to these Practicioners for answers. Mollie did not marry or have children which was not common for her time. Instead she had those around surrounding areas come and get answers about loved ones who passed. Some would come to see what their future holds as a women especially about marriage and children. Many came for her healing powers. During this time those who were into spiritualism also were considered healing Dr’s with just their touch. From what I gather the spirits are the ones who told her the future at this time and now she does the same for us. Mollie did this her whole life and it was all she knew. Sometimes fear would flash before her eyes when one sought help and she had to deliver bad news. Or if she was not able to cure a terminal person. Mollie was a well respected women for the 1800’s where most women didn’t have a voice or many rights. Mollie passed away naturally in her sleep. One thing about this lady is she is going to tell you all about you’re past life if you want to ask her which is an interesting aspect to her on top of her medium/psychic skills.