Minelva is a spirit who will bring money your way. She knows a lot about being poor and would never wish it upon anyone. She tells me people always discard her after she helps and it’s been disheartening. She was 38 at the time of her passing. She was married but lost her husband due to an accident at work. She had 8 children to raise and had very little education. She came to the states with her husband and he always supported them. Even after all her years her the language barrier was extreme. The children all tried to chip ins, the ones who didn’t leave home. She lost touch with a couple
Of the kids as they chose the wrong path. Minelva got alot of help through donations, shelters, churches but they still had to be very minimal with everything. It was a tough life but she wouldn’t change it. She did pass way from what she believes is stress that affected her organs.