Morgan~ draws in positive people into your life

Morgan~ draws in positive people into your life

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This beautiful lady here brings all positive/good people into your life. She is a pin so you can wear her or just carry with you. Morgan only likes positive and enjoyable people around. Morgan was a very active woman who spent all of her free time outdoors or at the gym if she wasn’t working. She had this daily challenge of making at least one new acquaintance per day. Getting to know others and different ways of thinking really helped her grow as a person. One of Morgan’s favorite activities was hiking. When she talks to you about this she will try and get you to take up hiking. She feels this clears out our negative energy which makes room only positivity to surround you. She believes all the chakras aligned is by connecting with nature. While she was out exploring a new trail with her dog she went to use the bathroom and though her dogs leash was tied up but her dog got free somehow. Morgan was looking for her dog when she twisted her ankle going down a steep incline and falling to her death.