So this little lady here has chosen what looks like an angel vessel but she is not. Her name is Laura and she is a luck spirit. She brings all forms of luck and not just money. She claims her previous owner knew she was spirited and treated her poorly and even threw her in the garbage so she has brought her bad luck to let her know never do respect a spirit 😳 (agree). Laura always will tell me she was just a girl trying to figure her way out in life. Growing up her parents were addicts and never had involvement in her life, she raised herself. She could never afford school so had to do some awful things as a women for money. When she finally landed a real job she soon realized the money wasn’t so great but it helped her respect herself and learn adult life the hard way. She always struggled but remained positive that it would change one day. She had hoped to get married and have that white picket fence with lots of kids running around. Sadly that dream never came true as someone took Laura’s life, this still remains a mystery as she had many enemies from her old life. Laura is a spirit who wants only good things to happen to those she cares about and that CARE about her. Please take extra good care of her as she deserves it and will reward you well ❤️