I will NEVER adopt out a negative or demonic mystery spirit unless this is stated. This one is NOT no need to worry. Whoever gets this spirit will be very pleased 😃
This lady I feel we all could use. She likes to alternate the moods of people. She works wonders when you go somewhere and someone is a real assh$ole. Her name is Marsa and she alone is full of energy which really helps with your energy! Marsa was that lady that everyone looked at an immediately judged. Judged because she was a little person aka dwarf and she was married to an African American who towered her. She lived her whole life not only with people commenting to her about her condition but others stating their opinion about a biracial marriage. Marsa never had children because her husband was not able to. She tells me all 3 adoption agencies discriminated against them but they could never prove it. Some of the stories she tells me my heart hurts. They only hand full of friends that valued them. Marsa says her husband and her loved to be around people and it was very depressing not many took the time to know them. She says her husband was the biggest teddy bear and would help anyone when needed. She was also very independent and was offended when approached constantly asking if she needed help. Sadly Marsa was taken too soon on her first ever not ride. She did not know how to swim