Nato is a spirit who loves to give you SIGNS and more so come in your dreams. She will take the shape of anyone or anything in your dreams! A when I talk to Nato she tells me since a child she would see others people’s future. She couldn’t dear tell anyone though because her religion did NOT accept this. One thing frustrating for Nato was she could never see her own future. Desperate to find love she sought out other psychics to help
with answers but it was fail after fail. Nato eventually was found a husband by her parents. At first there was no attraction or love, however, over time it proved you can fall in love with enough effort. She went on to have 11 children of which 3 passed away in their childhood. The children she lost she feels we’re always in the home, their spirits so she was at comfort. Her husband and her eventually drifted apart but stayed married. She was tragically struck by a car while grocery shopping.