Nicole is another money drawing spirit. I love she chose this vessel that has her freaking name on it! I want one with my name 😳! Nicole draws us money when we need it the most. Just when you think things can’t get worse she comes through. Nicole has a very dysfunctional upbringing. Her mother was a drug addict in and off and the children raised themselves. Her brothers both landed themselves in jail. Hoping to have a better life Nicole did marry somewhat young (19) for stability. They had a son she stayed home with and for extra money took on babysitting jobs. She didn’t live in the best area or have nice things BUT she was stable. She says her husband was wonderful but the older she became the more she realized he was not the one. She did leave him for a mutual friend but when the man turned out to remind her of the past childhood she left very quickly! In fear of being in the streets with her child she turned to the first person she could. One of her best female friends. A relationship developed amongst them and she knew she was not gay but co to yes to use her. Nicole tells me she got her karma for this when she was in a fatal car accident. Again she is sorry for her behavior and feels this was her consequences for using someone.