This spirit loves to be anywhere out in the open to watch his home. He is such a good protector of those that he loves. His name is Niles and you’re going to love talking with this guy. He loves to try and get you to laugh. However, when he’s on guard you’ll feel like a security guard is in your home! Niles was always just “surviving” in life. He left home at a younger age to escape his mother’s narcissism. He never knew his father so blames his absentee on his tough life. For years he had a lot of confusion on who he was and where his life was going. He made money however he could. Sometimes he would sleep on the streets, other times at the house of women he had one night stands with. When he had a daughter by practically a stranger he vowed to change his life around. He got solid work and set up a little apartment so she can come visit. When the mother did everything I. Her power to not let him see her this drove Niles to anger. He began to drink heavily which was more powwow as to why the mother wouldn’t let him see his daughter. He finally sought treatment for his drinking habits and eventually established a healthy relationship with his daughter and her mother. Yes t seemed life was finally looking
Up until a senseless act of men who jumped him and would take his life.