This is a lady named Nora who is not only a psychic of the near future but a white witch who does spells and without asking. It’s funny too because Nora was not a natural born witch, she did however see the future but only what it held within a few months. Nora was married with 3 children. Her husband was a wealthy businessman who always traveled. She actually calls herself a single mother since he was never around. Nora says her marriage started to become a struggle only 11 years into it. She felt alone and the emotional support was not there. Never in a million years did she guess her husband would have an affair before it took place, but it did. It did and he lied to her for months. Not wanting to leave the lifestyle she started to dive into something she never thought was real, witches. She went in this witch-hunt for years and spent so much money that she soon would have to hide it. When she almost gave up she encountered a witch who ran a little crystal store. She tells me this witch offered her services for free as she get Nora’s marriage was worth saving. She worked very closely with this lady for many months. She wasn’t exactly sure what this lady did but her husband confessed to the affair and cut off all communication with this women. She tells me they went back to honeymoon phase almost immediately. After this she never dabbed into witchcraft again as it wasn’t needed. Nora insist the love never went away and was stronger than ever. She was left devastated when her husband passed away from cancer and she followed shortly from unknown causes.