Nova - miracle worker

Nova - miracle worker

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She tells me her name is Nova. However she insists she hasn’t walked earth. On the other hand she will not tell me if she’s an angel. This has been a spirit borrowed out a few times for things she pulls in our lives. One lady was desperate for love and after having Nova for 7 months she met her future husband. Another lady was being let go from her job as they were eliminating that position. 2 days prior to her last day she received a call from the owner himself offering a higher up and pay position. The last person she was borrowed to was a male friend of mine. He had lost his wife in a divorce and job due to his gambling addiction. After having her a few months he did win very big actually in Vegas and never looked back on gambling and has since regained joint custody of the kids, owns a home and dating someone. Nova loves to tap on windows. She also likes to open our basement doors a crack. She’s turned on the night light in the middle of the night. I’ve also seen many orbs with her. She will speak with all divination tools.