This vessel is on the larger side. She has been with me over a year and I notice she is constantly on guard. Her name is Noya and she’s a women in mid 30’s. She lived in the Qualla Boundary in North Carolina with her parents. She never was married or had children. She insists that even know their land is always trying to be taken over
Even though it is backed by the federal government. Her father has always given her this perspective. One thing with Noya is she never because Independent because her father always put fear in her of the rest of population. Noya often helped her mother with the cooking and chores around the household. Her father insisted she learn hunting but Noya never took it up as she didn’t agree with it. Noya didn’t have many friends because trusting people was not really accepted in her household. Her family was very close knit and it seems as though
It was just them 3. Now Noya insists she was murdered in a plot against her father but I’m not totally convinced of this. Because she feels she was murdered she wants to protect the land and those in it so she’s always watching the home