This spirit here helps us when we are nervously her name is
Ophelia and she was an actress in the start of Hollywood. No matter how hard she tried she always had stage fright. She was told over and over that she’d never make it, yet didn’t give up. She was trying desperately to make her big break as it would not only make her parents proud but it would get her family out of poverty as well. Unfortunately no matter how hard Ophelia tried she just couldn’t seem to break the stage fright to make it big and she never got her break. Ophelia tried dating but it seemed she was also a nervous wreck doing this. She tells me the conversations were dull and she never would get calls back. Her whole life was lived based in this shell of nerves and sadly this caught up with her. This not only made Ophelia depressed but it also put her in a bad habit of opioids which would take her life