This guy here is name Owen. He is an excellent spirit when it comes to speaking with spirits. He helps you understand what they are trying to get across or want (sometimes this is very difficult). Owen developed a love for finding out about spirits when he would always see shadows of his brother who oddest, but could never communicate with him. He sought out high profile mediums to help find out what his brother wanted. Turns out his brother wanted to help him turn his life around because apparently he was headed down the wrong path. He had a child at age 17 and had nothing to do with her. He made his money in the streets and never got a job. He tells me this was all because the death of his brother effected him in a bad way. He tells me once he realized what his brother wanted he often followed this shadow. This shadow led him to a new life. He was lead to his daughter (didn’t know where she lived). Brought to a job where he started off as the garbage man and worked his way up to management. Once his life became stable it seems his brother left but Owen stayed in the right path and thankful he did. By the time Owen hit 40 he did a lot of damage to his body from his younger years. Sadly this caught up
With him and he passed away from heart failure.