Pax is not only a cool looking vessel but the spirit is awesome. He is a practicing warlock and based off his adopter he can be very sweet or as cruel as you need him to be. Pax will tell you this is not his real name but is not able to disclose it. Not only did Pax come from generations of witches but family still practices today and they are well known so in no way will he jeopardize them. Pax was raised by his mother, grandmother and great grandmother whom were all practicing witches. This was the only means of income and there were 10 children to support. Each child was introduced and had to work for the family starting at age 7. Pax out of all the children took to it like a pro. He was already cursing people along with sacrificial ceremonies by his early teens. Pax proved that his powers were close to his great great great grandmother that nobody could compete with. If there was anything someone needed she would be the one to get it done. Pax never met her but he gained the same popularity she once had. He gave this family business his all which meant sacrificing his own life. He dropped out of school to carry on the family business as his family started passing away. He raised his younger siblings and let them choose their path instead of forcing this one on them, some followed and some did not. Pax gained a lot of enemies also because he went up against some cruel people even politics. By doing this his life was always in danger but he did not seem bothered. Someone finally got him but the only way was blowing up his house while he was asleep. To this day he is still unsure who planned this.