Personal for 7 years

Personal for 7 years

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This spirit has been a personal of mine for around 7 years now. Her name is Casey and she is perfect to release for the new year! Casey is a MAJOR life changing spirit who will DRAMATICALLY change things for the better. If I could pick one spirit who has helped me change things the most it is Casey. She is a 42 year old women who really had a sad life. She was in a very abusive marriage that she was unable to get out of. Casey had a disability at birth that never allowed her to work. To her parents she was always a bother and they always stuck her in homes. When she was out for sometime she fell in love with a man and they had 2 children, one which died. Her husband started off as a savior but it turned very bad. He did what he wanted to her which was physical. The romance was gone after the children. He had many marital affairs right in front of her face. Casey began to deteriorate physically and mentally and she did nothing about it.