I am very excited to see who gets my personal that’s been with me many years! Her name is Jenna and she is 49 years of age. Now Jenna I actually picked up many years ago from a lady who collects oddities and haunted items. She had no idea this vessel was haunted just used her for a divination tool. Jenna I’ve not only used
For spirit communication but has been on probably hundreds of investigations so I can see spirits who I wouldn’t be able to see otherwise (yes this happens to medium)! She has also been borrowed out to friends with no mediumship capabilities so they are able to start this fabulous journey! Each person she had been borrowed to had absolutely loved her yet she wasn’t ready to go, now they time has come for her to move on. Jenna was a women from the late 1800’s
To early 1900’s. Her family came
From great wealth and they had to maintain a reputation as her father held a high profile profession. She says behind close doors the family was a mess. Her mother a raging alcoholic and her father a non participant in the family. Her brother was an atheist which was highly not allowed in the family or town. She is quick to remind me about that behind closed doors saying. When Jenna left home she never wanted to look back, however she married a man from the same town and stayed. She was a book keeper and stayed home after the birth of her first child until the children became older. Something took over after
The birth of her last child (had 5). She would hear things, see things that made her feel crazy. She always saw a women who seemed to try and get her attention but she couldn’t figure out why. She ignored this for a long time as she was a busy, wife, mother, advocate and was back to work. When her
Children became older Jenna spent less time occupying herself so much as she was becoming older and not as energized. As she did this the women came back only more intense. She now was being woken up with night terrors. She would find dead animals around the home. Still not being able
To disclose to anyone she made her own tool to try and speak to this women. She had discovered after some failed attempts that her husband is evil and she was his ex wife he murdered and it went unpunished. Jenna was never aware he was ever married. Having little access to information she started to go around to people that she trusted. After a lot of time, energy and months she had discovered his family was completely corrupt and hated. Nobody would challenge them or talk about them in fear. His father was also guilty of something but she is unsure of what. Many people seemed to recall his
First wife who often never left the home then vanished. Jenna now feared her life and was unable to tell the children or confront him. She started to pull away hoping it would
Go un noticed but it did not, he caught on quick and knew she was hiding something. Her actual death she does not speak about but she says 100% it was him and he got away with it again.