Leanne is a travel spirit who is ALL about positiv vibes. The nice thing with her is she will deflect negative energy so it's very good if your surrounded by this type of energy. Leanne was a free spirit aka hippy. She loved everyone and never saw the bad in people. Leanne was very open when it came to friendships and partners. She had many and didn't see anything wrong with it, especially they knew from the start. He was never comfortable with commuting to anything. Her work was writing all about life experiences of living the lifestyle she loved. It for sure was different based off how she describes things. She did not believe in shoes, nothing with preservatives. She was always e joying her weed and even sometimes shrooms. Her mindset was also geared towards the Big Bang theory vs the big man above. She had many friends because of how real and honest she was. In contrary she made many enemies as being an atheist didn't sit well with some people. Her pure life was taken for absolutely no reason, sometimes different beliefs can have a major effect on another.