Istas is a 37 year old who not only protects you but keeps away negative. She is a magnet for good vibes including people. Istas was always different than how her parents raised her. As soon as she was 18 she left the reservations and converted religions. She soon sound herself in a heavily involved cult that she became memorized with. She says it’s like they drug you. She married a man who was 20 years older than her in this cult. She in no time was controlled and went in to have 11 children. Her life is Ike big blur she can’t tell me much that took place amongst these people. Most of the time
She was drugged up. Istas would say she made a bad choice to do this but she does not regret her children. It seems her male children were turning out the same way the father was as he was training them for when they were adults. From the sounds of it her passing was from heart failure from the drugs she was constantly injected with.