Ramel is one of those spirits that don’t let on to much information. However, she is a very positive spirit and great with intuition when we need it most. I love when spirits let off an orb for me that shows up in pictures (1st one to the right of her). I do know Ramel has an accent so I believe she is from another country. Ramel has a purpose of staying back. Her purpose is not to speak of herself as she finds this selfish. She has just given me her age and that she’s here for a reason. She gives us that warming I feel when it’s truly needed. Ramel sound like and older women perhaps 40-50. She does come in dreams with brown hair but doesn’t show her face to me. She has also made shadows. She likes to make chiming sounds. She also walks the hallways early morning. I’ve had her open our closet doors. She also gives cold spots randomly. She will speak with spirit box, pendulum, dowsing rods and Ouija