This little lady is so freaking cute and she’s small and an all around spirit. Her name is Ramona and she’s good at drawing in positive energy. She also is not one to let people mess with you by any means. She also will give you glimpses of things coming your way IN dreams so write them down when you remember them! Ramona was a married lady with 4 children. Her husband was mentally abusive but she stayed not wanting to break up her family and protect the children. She tells me all about his controlling way. She was allowed to wear only what he picked out. She could not leave the house with out him unless there was an emergency with one of the children. She was not even allowed a phone to contact her family! It sounds she was use to this control because growing up her father was the same. When she first met her husband he was a charmer. She tells me be careful when you truly think you “know someone”. Romona says to take her to another world she slept a lot. She also would drink toxic things just to bring her mind elsewhere. Sadly these toxic chemicals slowly damaged her organs and they shut down.