Razzy~ great protector

Razzy~ great protector

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This beautiful vessel gives me the name Razzy. She has a wonderful spirit to protect us. Razzy is a lady in her mid 40’s. She was very successful in her early 30’s and retired by 43. She married later in life (age 40) and tried a couple years
For children with no success. Her husband was not well liked and I am pretty sure it was from his demeanor. When she speaks of him you can tell he was very arrogant and everyone wants to bow down to him including Razzy. Razzy says there was some abuse but she doesn’t talk about it. Razzy had a sorrow life from what I can tell. Her friends were not trustworthy for some reason and the home life was not good. Razzy will tell me often how her husband controlled all her fortune. She wasn’t allowed to spend on much unless it was necessary. Razzy passed away from an accidental fall but she has told me once that her husband pushed her and ever since she won’t admit that again.