This little charm you would think would be for good luck right.. No, she is a spirit who helps with calming us when we have mental breakdowns such as anxiety, stress, ptsd and so fourth. Her name is Reba and from the sounds of it she suffered all the above! Reva was married to her high school sweetheart and they had 2 children together. They always struggled as they had their children at 18. In hopes to relieve the burden Rebas husband joined the military. While he was deployed Reba was left a single mother and often in new places where she couldn’t adapt before they were on to the next. This alone gave her very high anxiety and a lot of stress but she agreed to this to financially help the family. What she didn’t agree to was getting the news her husband was killed while deployed. I believe this sent Reba over the edge but she will STOP at this point, not having this discussion she tells me. It seems Reba left her children in the care of her mother while she couldn’t handle the pain and took her life. Sadly, while she did this she was 5 weeks pregnant and was not aware but learned this in her spirit world.