Regina - great companionship

Regina - great companionship

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So this lady here is a sweet spirit but sometimes doesn’t realized she’s passed on. Her name is Regina and she had a lot going for her and gone to soon. Regina was on her to way to be a marketer for Disney which she dreamed of since a child. She worked hard in school and went through many loops and holes just to even be considered with the fabulous company. Her partner she had known since childhood and they became official after high school. Everyone warned them I wouldn’t last and this was puppy love but Regina knew he was the one. While she was still finishing up school he busted his Fanny to support the little they did have. The plan was to wed once she became stable at her job. She was eager to be a young mother but that day never came. Her dreams were all shattered in one night on her 21st birthday. She was sadly struck by a car that lost control.