Audrey is a spirit that purges sh$t that needs to get out of your life. Write down what you need and drop it in her vessel. Audrey basically hated her life. Her husband was an alcoholic that she had to always watch. They drained their personal savings and other assets for rehab which he always relapsed. Her son was very rebellious due to the toxic home life. There was no support system. Her parents also had addictions so sided with her husband. They gave their grandson everything he wanted which never helped in situations. Her siblings blamed her for her own families issues. Audrey does say she had some guilt as she always put pressure on her husband. She always wanted a better life and felt the man should be the one to do so. Instead she ended up in a marriage she would feel guilty leaving if something happened to him. Audrey the last few months was being poisoned by her whole family who wanted her death.