Kaoru is a female oni who is one to always have her owners back. Regardless of her being from a demon background. She is known to always be ten steps ahead of what's going on so at any given moment you are prepared. This includes in the spot events that she is able to change instantly. Her mind control ability works like that, almost to benefit you. She actually enjoys reading minds and learning what goes through our human heads. She is very particular on the people in your life because she knows true intentions. If it someone you live dearly and they are not good she will easily switch gears instead of scaring them off. Now the people who are betraying you or just bad to you are the ones she will seek. She really doesn't let anyone get in your space who doesn't need to be there. This is an oni that has the same capabilities as others like telekinesis, Clairvoyance, Electrokinesis, thermonkinesis, spell caster and manipulation. She is a master at seducing people in which