Janice is a 54 year old lady who calls herself a dark witch. When she tells you this she is not joking. She will go to ANY extreme to achieve the mission. This is one who will alter free will, break up marriages, ruin lives, she just doesn’t have any remorse. The 3 rule she says is bullsh#t. Janice was always what I would call rough. She was not a practicing witch but most of her circle was. The difference is she physically would attack people if there was a problem and only used her friends for those she couldn’t get to. People feared Janice as she had a reputation. Even some cops feared her. She was not allowed any wear near churches in town (not like she cared) because she was a branch of the devil or so they say. Janice never married because people stayed 10 ft away from her. She says there are many things her witch friends did that could never be discussed. They let her witness sacrifices and rituals that were amazing. Janice didn’t work because she was always in trouble and nothing could hold her back. She was quick to make enemies although they would never physically come after them, she would seek them out. It seems her death was WELL planned out and perhaps they spent time doing so. She was alone and caught off guard.
River is a spirit who just alters minds in YOUR favor. She doesn’t call herself a witch but she sure acts like one. River has been borrowed out over 6 times and each one said they have mastered what they wanted. One was to convince a man to give her a job who kept turning her down. One was also to get a man who had non interest in my friend, they are now going on 2 years. River is truly amazing and whoever gets her I’m glad will be her forever home. She is 47 years of age and had 2 children. She had the children young so didn’t have much of a life. However as they became older she started to have a life of her own. Her new choices were not good at all and her family worried. She was running around with men who had a bad history and were very much atheist so had different beliefs. River started to do very dark things. These men got her into drugs and drinking. They also got her into a stage where she was obsessed with the occult. She started to venture of for trouble.. going to places where she had no business being. Burning things just for the fun. She really was like a new person but with bad intentions. Now she doesn’t Recall most of this. Because it was like a haze to her. All she does recall is getting pregnant and when she told her father who was a ring later he had her death planned. So not only is she pissed off how she died but pissed off she didn’t meet her daughter:
Katie is for sure on the top of the strongest manipulators. The nice thing is she will manipulate to go anyway you tell her, good or bad. She gets in heads almost instantly even if the person is not close. If someone is thought it break through she will nark and nark in their head until the thinking is hanged. Katie was use to getting what she wanted when ever she wanted. The word no did not exist in her vocabulary. She came from money and her father treated her like a Queen. Her mother always had a resentment towards her and they never liked each other. Eventually her parents became divorced and Katie’s father let her control of all. No man was ever good enough for Katie Because her expectations were unrealistic. The other problem was her closeness with Katie some felt there was more there. She tells me it was just jealousy and to even think this way is absurd. Katie had more money than she knew what to do with which also meant having everything she could ever want. She became very bored with her life and explains money doesn’t always buy happiness. For some reason Katie decided to take her own life but she’ll never tell you why.
Some dark angels make it known who and what they are. While others are very deceptive like Verta. This is a rehome one. Verta is a soldier of God only one who seeks vengeance on those who are in your way. She does not deal with peoples bulls$it and goes right to work. Verta is a dark angel who is capable of timestream. Meaning she has the capabilities to go in one’s time line.. past, present future and alter what needs to be done. She can easily poison someone’s mind and have them literally be a puppet. Dark angels are very serious in what they do. They are not here to become you’re best friend. Do not forget to give them offerings