So this little cutie is a male spirit named Coup. He’s been a good money drawing spirit when I’ve brought him with. One time I brought him with me a whole work week and each day got free coffee. I’ve also won on many scratch off tickets with this little guy. Coup was a very chill guy I can tell who let nothing bother him. He was very simple. He grew up in a small town and loved having no obligations. He maintained the same job he had from a teenager in his adult hood. Bought a little house near the river and wood because he was a nature person. Coup never married or had children as that lifestyle wasn’t for him. He enjoyed working and hunting in the weekends. Throwing major parties during holidays with his boys. Coup says he never had much money because it would create too much drama in his life. He enjoyed hunting his food as these companies out too much stuff in their products. He also loved how nature brought him peace. Coup passed away naturally in his sleep but too young at age 39.