Ahhhh Etla is a spirit I've asked for help any time on manifestation of darker spells that were not going my way. This is a witch who does her thing and you let her do so. She's very low maintenance yet very hard working. Etla is not a spirit here to bond, she is here to do what needs to be done. She is one who likes to do the darkest of things. Etla has a strong accent and yet strong spoken. She was married with 1 child. Her ancestors in Romania date back to the medieval times. She was born to a family of them and was expected to follow tradition just like her daughter. Etla's husband dear not challenge what they did as he knew she would out him without thinking twice. Etla barely left home, everyone came to her. Even those who had evil hearts and wanted very bad things came to Etla. If you were in her bad side though she made sure you would stay down in life period. Contrary to her darkness Etla took care of many in poverty who deserved to get our. Children who suffered by ones who should protect them. From the sounds of it deep down she had a heart. Her death she has never spoke of