So Joslin is such an awesome spirit. She is in tune with our days and if we are slacking she sweeps in to give us a pick me up! Not only is she awesome but she’s just an easy going spirit and very open to humans. This was a lady who just did not give a F$CK and she makes this very clear. She was a younger girl in her 30’s, never married and no children. As a child she was always criticized for the way she looked or dressed. At this age of course she was embarrassed. She finally hit a point where it just didn’t matter. She often talks about how she changed her hair color once a week, some days green some pink, purple, you get the point! On top of that she says she went out of her way to make her outfits look ridiculous (😂). She had over 48 tattoos and 22 piercings (I can only imagine this). People would come up to her just in awww or to make rude comments and the first thing Joslin did was kill them with kindness. Joslin often dated guys who from the outside looked gothic but inside had a huge heart. She just never let herself fall in love because it just could burn her in the end and she had no time for that. It seems Joslin was a spur of the moment person. She would wake up and decided to take a trip camping or perhaps a sunny beach, it all depended on her mood. I’m not sure where Joslin got her money because it seems she didn’t work. Her cause of death was a drowning when a boy she was on smashed into another boat. This lady will tell you exactly how it is and it’s so refreshing actually!