This beautiful spirit is a good one to bring with if you suffer from anxiety/depression. She gives me the name Madelyn. This poor young lady (31) has told me many stories about the toxic household she grew up in. As a young adult she was never able to get past her childhood. She sought out help by many professionals which she was constantly diagnosed with depression/anxiety/ptsd yet nobody could help her. She says her mother and father fought constantly and madelyn spent a lot of time either drawing in her room alone or at friends houses. When they would catch her doing anything fun she would be punished severely. Eventually she was cut off from being able to communicate with the outside world. When she did leave the house she found herself mainly in homeless shelters. She wouldn’t dare try and talk to anyone as there was no trust there and she didn’t have it in her to enjoy herself or even try. Madelyn I think committed suicided because she speaks of the cold water and drowning.