This lady here is a good spirit for someone with anxiety. Her name is Tori and she was VERY high strung in her human life. Tori had a very hard time focusing on simple task, she says it will put her in a panic attack. This also seemed to be the case for when she was in large crowds which is why she avoided them at all cost. Raised in a big city it was difficult for Tori to adapt as an adult so she moved to the far country.She thought this lifestyle would be a better fit but this was not the case. She tells me people in the country are actually vicious and A lot of hostility. Tori tried to get an office job which kept her away from the public, this also seem to be too much of a challenge for her and she did not last long. She ended up moving back with her parents who begged her to seek help. When she was medicated for anxiety this took a toll on her. Not only did she feel physically sick but her mental thoughts were extreme. Tori did end up taking her life as she did not know how to cope with what we call life