This lady here vessel is small so maybe out in something or on chain? This lady is a good one to boost our confidence especially in areas we have fear. Her name is Winnie and she is 41 years of age. Winnie was a women that from childhood was always told “she can’t” or she “will never”. Her parents had little hope for her as she was a girl. It seemed she married a man who often had little respect for women. He felt they needed to stay home and raise the kids. Winnie had something much different in mind as she was determined to prove them all wrong. Not only was she a teacher but advanced her degree to a Dr app while raising 5 children and homeschooling them! She also went from being very overweight to not a single ounce of fat. No matter what she was told wasn’t possible that those who supposedly loved her, she far surpassed this! Sadly she passed away from a blood clot that caused an aneurysm. She will make you confident just as she was.