This vessel is HUGE coming in at probably 7-10lbs. She is a spirit that protects us from negative people and spirits, a mood changer so will change energy instantly and she is also a bad ass psychic. She has predicted many many little things for me that have all came to pass in the 2.5 years she’s been here. Her name is Flynn and she does not like to reveal her age but based on full body apparitions I’d say upper 40’s. Flynn was what I call wonder women LOL, she seemed to do it all with no stress. She operated a very very successful business. She also ran the financial side of her husbands business. She raised 6 children and not one of them spent a night away from their mother. She cooked every Sunday and distributed it to the local food bank. She also was an runner and has completed the Iron man several times. She managed to run a house they owned in another country. The list goes on and on and on. Flynn also from what she describes was a psychic but she will not call herself this term. There were events that took place that she saw and kept to herself. She insists she told her husband 2020 is going to be a disaster and make sure the kids and grand babies are alright as I won’t be here. She also told a dear friend who was in law that their would be a terroir attack on American soil (9/11). She will tell you many things that she saw coming but still tells me that was a coincidence. When we talk about her death she kind of dances around it. She said she saw it coming and she even avoided that road that night yet she was still struck by a truck. This spirit is a stronger energy and I do like to tell people if you get a headache it’s because she’s literally next to you.