This lady here is a larger vessel. Her life was an absolute sh$t show she says. Growing up she was allowed to do whatever she wanted, no parental vision. She started being sexual by the age 12 and experimented with both sexes by 16. She said she tried her first cigarette and drink at age 14. By 17 she had left
The home to move in with a man who was 24 years older. He treat her wonderful at first but in no time he became a nightmare. He tried to control every aspect of her life and on top of that had her convinced she was crazy. She always suspected he was cheating as often he would leave and not come home for days. The fights were pretty toxic and a lot happened yet she was brainwashed and stayed. After years of this crazy behavior she finally grew up And moved out. She couldn’t get her life together no matter how hard she tried. She hated working And hated to be told what to do so she was not able to hold a job. It seemed as although her friends came and went out of her life. Relationships never last more than a few months. She was really confused in life. She will not speak of her death that all which is kind of a bummer because I don’t know how she died